
Soccer Alumi Lite Goal

All Soccer Goals are Sold as a Pair of Goals. Alumi-lite goals meet NFSHSA, NCAA and FIFA specifications. Our premium ALUMINUM goal light-weight and durable with the strength of steel. Available in 4 sizes, with crossbars and post of 4 inch round, .124 wall aluminum, finished in white baked enamel. Backstays and ground bar are 1-5/8 inch galvanized steel tube to prevent rust. Includes special 3mm nets, (4) steel "S" hold-downs and all hardware.

Select a model, options, & quantity to order

Available Models
(Select a model, options, & quantity above to order)
LA-AGS-A12294 lbs$4,472
Alumi-Lite Goal 12' x 6' (Set of 2)
for use with LA-SG-ANC Anchors or LA-HCA Augers
LA-AGS-A18337 lbs$5,536
Alumi-Lite Goal 18' x 6' (Set of 2)
for use with LA-SG-ANC Anchors or LA-HCA Augers
LA-AGS-A21378 lbs$6,408
Alumi-Lite Goal 21' x 7' (Set of 2)
for use with LA-SG-ANC Anchors or LA-HCA Augers
LA-AGS-A24514 lbs$7,374
Alumi-Lite Goal 24' x 8' (Set of 2)
for use with LA-SG-ANC Anchors or LA-HCA Augers